November 2022: Samsung Electronics' India Twitter handle (@SamsungIndia) has 2.74 Million followers. This was closely followed by One Plus (@OnePlus_IN) with 2.69 Million followers. Xiaomi is distant third with 1.32 Million followers.
It is important to note that One Plus India Twitter handle was created in 2015 and Samsung's India Twitter Handle was created in 2006. And given that their followers are almost same, shows that Samsung has lost its early mover advantage.
In case of Xiaomi, their strategy to have separate handles for separate products and support seems to have led to lower number of followers per handle. As they themselves have directed their would be followers to different twitter accounts.
The below word cloud indicates the number of followers for the brand - larger the font, means larger the number of followers. Besides the word cloud you can also see the Top 20 Consumer Electronics brands ranked by number of followers as on 15th of November 2022.
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